
Showing posts from July, 2019

New Research

Interesting research being conducted in the US exploring the possible increased likelihood of LGBTQ communities experiencing cognitive decline.

New Publication with the Royal College of Nursing

Here is a link to a new article I have had published with the RCN exploring LGBTQ and Dementia. You need a subscription (Nursing Older People) however, here are the take home messages. ● Language can play an important part in creating inclusive care environments for LGBTQ+ people with dementia. ● LGBTQ+ people with dementia may need safe spaces where they feel comfortable to be their authentic self. ● Care environments can be more inclusive and encourage LGBTQ+ people to be their authentic self by using non- heteronormative imagery. ● Reminiscence and other forms of meaningful activity and occupation are important in dementia care; however, staff should consider what is appropriate for LGBTQ+ people with dementia and be prepared to validate emotions. ● Care setting...
Here is a video of an interview I had with Elder a live in care company, we explored LGBTQ and dementia and the need for safe spaces for older LGBTQ individuals for Pride Month.  (Click read more for the video)
Below is a link to Pink News' ageing summit where care for older people was discussed. I was lucky enough to attend and be part of this project. There is also a copy of their report on older LGBTQ care at the bottom of the site. PinkNews Ageing Summit 
Age UK 'safe to be me' A link to a fantastic guide exploring the needs of older LGBTQ individuals.
Over the Rainbow LGBT Dementia Report  This is a fantastic summary of some research into LGBT and dementia
LGBTQ and Dementia- Alzheimers Society  This is a fantastic webpage exploring appropriate support for a LGBTQ individual if they have dementia
Statistics on LGBTQ+ people living with dementia is currently limited (Semlyen 2016). It can be believed that there are 1.2 million older gay and lesbian people in the U.K (Semlyen 2016). If you apply this number of older LG people to the fact that one in fourteen people over the age of 65 may develop a form of dementia (Alzheimer’s Society 2017), it can be estimated that there could be around 85,714 gay and lesbian people with dementia in the UK alone. This number doesn’t include bisexual or transgender so the number of LGBTRQ individuals is far higher.